Meetings of the COW seminar in 2018-2019
University of Warwick, Tuesday 16th October 2018
2:00 Ziquan Zhuang (Princeton): Birational Superrigidity and K-stability
3:00 Paul Hacking (University of Massachusetts, Amherst): Mirror Symmetry for Fano Varieties
4:30 Dhruv Ranganathan (MIT): Logarithmic Gromov-Witten Theory with Expansions -
University of Bristol, Thursday 15th November 2018
2:00 Nick Shepherd-Barron (King's College London): Local Aspects of the Schottky Problem for Algebraic Surfaces
3:00 Jan Stevens (Gothenburg): The Moduli Space of Twisted Cubics
4:30 Marina Logares (Plymouth): Integrable Systems and Higgs Bundles -
University of Cambridge, Thursday 7th February 2019
2:00 Michel van Garrel (Warwick): Open-Closed Duality is Mirror to the Double Suspension
3:00 Diane Maclagan (Warwick): Tree Compactifications of the Moduli Space of Genus Zero Curves
4:30 Maksym Fedorchuk (Boston College): Standard Models of Low Degree del Pezzo Fibrations via GIT for Hilbert Points -
University of Birmingham, Wednesday 20th March 2019
2:00 Dan Loughran (Manchester/Bath): Cubic Surfaces over Finite Fields
3:00 Sibylle Schroll (Leicester): Geometric Models and Derived Invariants for Gentle Algebras
4:30 Navid Nabijou (Glasgow): Log Geometry, Moduli Spaces, and the Joy of Desingularisation -
Cardiff University, Thursday 9th May 2019
2:00 Ben Davison (Edinburgh): Refined DT/PT Correspondences
3:00 Alice Rizzardo (Liverpool): Triangulated Categories without a Model
4:30 Dmitry Kaledin (Steklov Institute RAS): Trace Theories and their Uses - Young Person's COW - University of Warwick, Monday 23rd September 2019
12:30 Balázs Szendrői (Oxford): The Hilbert Scheme of Points of some Surface Singularities
2:00 Lorenzo De Biase (Cardiff): Generalised Braid Actions
3:30 Okke van Garderen (Glasgow): Refined Invariants of Threefold Flops
5:00 Clélia Pech (Kent): Geometry of Rational Curves on some Varieties with a Lie Group Action
This page is maintained by Alan Thompson and was last updated on 24/09/19. Please email comments and corrections to A.M.Thompson (at)