Meetings of the COW seminar in 1997-1998
Warwick, Thursday 9th October 1997
3:00 Miles Reid (Warwick): Resolutions of quotient singularities and the McKay correspondence, I
4:30 Gregory Sankaran (Bath): Kummer surfaces and level structures
Bath, Thursday 16th October 1997
3:00 Alessio Corti (Cambridge): Birationally rigid Fano 3-folds
4:30 Piotr Kobak (Cracow/Bath): Contact curves in flag varieties
Oxford, Thursday 30th October 1997
2:45 Michael McQuillan (Oxford): A very big Picard theorem
4:15 Miles Reid (Warwick): Hilbert schemes and resolutions
Cambridge, Thursday 13th November 1997
1:45 Nick Shepherd-Barron (Cambridge): Arithmetic on singular cubic threefolds via descent
3:00 Yukari Ito (Tokyo): Hilbert schemes and three dimensional McKay correspondence
Warwick, Thursday 27th November 1997
3:00 Miles Reid (Warwick): Projections of graded rings and involutions of Fano 3-fold hypersurfaces
4:30 Shigeru Mukai (Nagoya): Equations defining a space curve
Cambridge, Thursday 8th January 1998
3:00 Shigeru Mukai (Nagoya): Regularity of space curves
4:30 Richard Borcherds (Cambridge): Automorphic forms via product expansions
Warwick, Thursday 22nd January
3:00 Stefan Endrass (Mainz): Contact geometry and even node sets
4:30 Bill Oxbury (Durham): Syzygies, multisecants and rational normal curves
Oxford, Thursday 5th February 1998
2:00 Tim Gardener (Oxford): Non-Archimedean subanalytic geometry - how a little logic helps
4:15 Nigel Hitchin (Oxford): The special Kähler geometry of moduli spaces
Bath, Thursday 19th February 1998
2:15 Balazs Szendroi (Cambridge): The Torelli problem for Calabi-Yau threefolds
4:15 Mark Gross (Warwick): Special Lagrangian fibrations
COW seminar weekend, Warwick, 6th-8th March 1998
Friday 6th March
12:00 Victor Pidstrigach (Warwick): Vafa-Witten via compactification
2:00 Marco Manetti (Pisa): Algebraic surfaces, moduli spaces and diffeomorphism type
4:00 Shigeru Mukai (Nagoya): Cubic surfaces, regular polytopes and moduli -
Saturday 7th March
10:00 Andrei Tyurin (Moscow): Non-Abelian analogues of Abel's theorem
12:00 Mark Gross (Warwick): Calabi-Yaus and special Lagrangians
2:00 Dominic Joyce (Oxford): The topology of resolutions of Calabi-Yau orbifolds
3:30 Pelham Wilson (Cambridge): Gromov-Witten invariants and primitive contractions on Calabi-Yaus
5:00 Ian Grojnowski (Cambridge): Hodge theory and Ramanujan sums -
Sunday 8th March
10:00 Miles Reid (Warwick): Projections of Type II and elliptic involutions of Fano 3-folds
12:00 Alessio Corti (Cambridge): Excluding maximal centres on Fano 3-folds
Friday 6th March
Bath, Thursday 28th May 1998
2:30 Aidan Schofield (Bristol): Moduli of vector bundles over smooth projective curves
4:00 Peter Swinnerton-Dyer (Cambridge): Rational points on diagonal quartic surfaces
Warwick, Thursday 11th June 1998
2:00 Miles Reid (Warwick): P² x P² and her daughters
4:00 Yuri Prokhorov (Moscow/Lille): Blowing up canonical singularities
This page is maintained by Alan Thompson and was last updated on 18/10/17. Please email comments and corrections to A.M.Thompson (at)