Meetings of the COW seminar in 2009-2010
Oxford, Thursday 15th October 2009
2:00 Timothy Logvinenko (Liverpool): Reid's recipe and derived categories
3:45 Gregory Sankaran (Bath): Moduli of irreducible symplectic manifolds -
Cambridge, Thursday 5th November 2009
2:00 Tamás Hausel (Oxford): Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system
4:00 Stéphane Lamy (Lyon): Automorphisms of non compact surfaces -
London, Thursday 3rd December 2009
3:00 Simon Donaldson (London): Algebro-geometric aspects of the Kähler-Einstein problem
4:15 Junmyeong Jang (Seoul): The semi-positivity theorem and the generic p-rank -
Warwick, Thursday 4th March 2010
2:30 Alicia Dickenstein (Buenos Aires): A-discriminants
4:30 Tom Coates (Imperial): Gromov-Witten invariants and modular forms -
Loughborough, Thursday 18th March 2010
2:30 Ilya Karzhemanov (Edinburgh): Fano threefolds
4:00 Balazs Szendroi (Oxford): Virtual motives of Hilbert schemes of threefolds -
Cardiff, Thursday 15th April 2010
2:30 Sven Meinhardt (Oxford): Integrality in Donaldson-Thomas theory
4:00 Katrin Wendland (Augsburg): TQFT and singularities from a conformal field theorist's point of view -
Cambridge, Thursday 6th May 2010
2:30 Grigory Mikhalkin (Geneva): Tropical (p,q)-cycles
4:30 Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk (Purdue): Resolution algorithm in characteristic zero and its possible extension to positive characteristic -
Warwick, Thursday 17th June 2010
12.00 Yuri Prokhorov (Moscow): Fano 3-folds of large Fano index
14:00 Alessio Corti (Imperial): Finite generation of adjoint rings
15:30 Adrien Dubouloz (Dijon): Exotic affine spheres
17:00 Jürgen Hausen (Tubingen): The Cox ring of an algebraic variety with torus action
This page is maintained by Alan Thompson and was last updated on 18/10/17. Please email comments and corrections to A.M.Thompson (at)